Perhaps there is hope for fixing the healthcare crisis after all. Hillary Rodham Clinton, author of a failed attempt to overhaul health care in the 90s, and Newt Gingrich, engineer of the 90’s Republican Revolution largely brought on by Clinton’s failed attempt, sat down together recently at a National Press Club session entitled “Ceasefire on Health Care” to discuss what they just might agree on.
Perhaps there is hope for fixing the healthcare crisis after all. Hillary Rodham Clinton, author of a failed attempt to overhaul health care in the 90s, and Newt Gingrich, engineer of the 90’s Republican Revolution largely brought on by Clinton’s failed attempt, sat down together recently at a National Press Club session entitled “Ceasefire on Health Care” to discuss what they just might agree on.

And they did agree indeed on several issues including, much to the surprise of some, Gingrich’s proposal to “voucherize” Medicaid. "There is enough money in the system right now to cover the uninsured," said Clinton. It’s not that the meeting was that earth-shattering, but perhaps it is a sign of a growing trend to piecemeal fixes to the healthcare crisis rather than starting from scratch.
That we are and have been, in a healthcare crisis is clear when you consider that over 44 million Americans have no insurance of any type. The reason for most is that they simply cannot afford any kind of coverage. Attempts to provide universal coverage or cause significant changes through federal mandates have failed.
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According to the Bush administration, the solution would be moving health care toward new association-based health plans, including HSAs (Health Savings Accounts) and consumer-driven health plans. “To make insurance more affordable, Congress must act to address rapidly rising health care costs,” says President George W. Bush. “Small businesses should be able to band together and negotiate for lower insurance rates so they can cover more workers with health insurance—I urge you to pass association health plans.”
The use of association-based health plans is finally starting to catch on. These plans offer solutions for those who previously thought themselves to be “uninsurable.” A small but increasing number of people are taking a look at these affordable plans.
One of the newer and more popular plans, the USA+ Guaranteed Acceptance Plan, includes a myriad of choices and benefits for its members. Membership in the plan allows members access to hospital indemnity benefits, prescription benefits, and disability benefits. It also carries provisions for medical, dental, accident, and vision care. It even includes several lifestyle benefits including roadside service, travel benefits, and discounts on shopping, dining, and movies.

“The USA+ Guaranteed Acceptance Plan is a product whose time has come,” says Richard J. Monello, President, and CEO of Custom Health Plans, Inc. His company is a leader in providing the new product recently made available. “It is a true blanket guaranteed acceptance benefit package,” adds Monello. “The best thing is that everyone is accepted, even those with pre-existing conditions.”
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These new health plans, in addition to being great for consumers, are also beneficial for agents and brokers. “For those agents looking to strengthen their portfolio and provide healthcare coverage to the uninsurable, the USA+ Guaranteed Acceptance Health Plan is truly a first-of-it’s kind product,” says Jason A. Milz, Executive Vice-President of Custom Health Plans, Inc. “At last, there is a product that will address their growing databases of uninsured Americans and that will pay them a level commission for the life of the plan.”
Monello’s company, Custom Health Plans, offers several different membership packages with different types and levels of benefits. “Finally, there is a solution for the 44 million uninsurable Americans who have no other options,” says Monello.
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